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Lefty the Griff

In Conversation: Hey Lefty!

by Charlie Zhang

Lefty, The Griff, is that dog you’ve been seeing on billboards across Hong Kong. You know, the black Griffon that Arthur Bray is holding in a portrait. You know, that big ad for the Emphasis x Anais jewelry collection. 

Image soure: @leftythegriff

Hey Lefty! How’s it going? How was your Christmas? How has 2021 treated you? How have you been holding up over the pandemic years?
As the most famous dog in Hong Kong now, we’re pretty sure you’re enjoying life and all the attention! You’ve inspired us to dream big, no matter how tiny you might feel. For the rest of us, though, it’s starting to feel a bit like Groundhog Day. Can you treat us to some advice on how to achieve your happiness-level?

Image source: @leftythegriff

EQ interviews Lefty — the biggest Griffon in town — to warm our hearts as we enter 2022.

How do you feel seeing your own face across billboards in Hong Kong?

🐾it’s chill, being on there with the homies, love it

What’s your ultimate goal?

Eat well, play hard, chill even harder

Any plans for the new year?

Getting over my plastophobia

Can you share one secret about yourself?

Pet me underhand, not overhand

Could you give us humans advice for the new year?

Take a break if you feel like you need to. Spend time with your loved ones, especially your pets 

Not one for many words huh…?


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