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5 Foolproof Marketing Strategies for Your eCommerce Business

by Charlie Zhang

eCommerce can be complex, and many business owners find it hard to know where to start. How could we blame them when there’s so much to consider: consumer behaviors, web design, social media trends, competition, supply chain logistics, shipping, storage costs, pricing, digital branding, offline branding, the list goes on.

Business owners want to succeed, and all of their efforts, at the end of the day, should amount to something substantial. We know… It’s easier said than done, but eCommerce is a specific game, and there are ways to play it well just as there are ways to fail at it. Today, we’re focusing on the former. 

Here are 5 foolproof marketing strategies to immediately level up your eCommerce game and drive revenue.

🛒 Reduce Abandoned Carts 🛒

When shopping online, how often do you compare the price of products before you hit checkout? If you shop around, why shouldn’t others do it too? According to the Baymard Institute, nearly 69% of carts across the web are abandoned. One significant way to get past this is by simply sending customers a reminder-email that lets them know their carts are waiting for them.

💬 Chat Live With Website Visitors 💬

Many website visitors have different needs. Chatting with them allows you to introduce or suggest products they’re looking for and narrow down their search. It also lets you have direct conversations and build trust with your customers so they feel good about their purchases.

🔥 Invest in Content 🔥

By now, every eCommerce business should be familiar with how important content is for your website. While you might already be creating web content, consider investing more in it. Why? Because the digital landscape is becoming more community-oriented (Web3.0, NFTs, etc.) and customers want to appreciate your business beyond just your blog. If you haven’t thought of them yet, you might want to consider integrating podcasts, guest blogging, videos, user-generated content and more.

✨ Optimize Your Website ✨

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the practice of tweaking your website to increase sales and revenue. It’s best to know where you’re losing sales and why. You can then figure out how to fix those problem areas and make sure you don’t miss precious opportunities. Things to consider include simplifying your website’s navigation, optimizing for mobile, allowing for faster check out times and more.

🤳 Integrate Instagram 🤳

Instagram has been a revolutionary phenomenon. With over 500 million users engaging with each other every day, the app has been declared the fastest growing app. Make it easy for users to shop your products directly through the app. Create unique content and tag your product in it. 

🤔 Quote 🤔

“Remember - every 'mistake' a user makes is not because they're stupid, but because your website sucks.”

— Peep Laja, founder of Conversion XL

Now you have 5 marketing strategies you can immediately use for your business, but before you do anything, we urge you to look at the EQ Method: eCommerce.

🌎 EQ Method: eCommerce 🌎

After numerous tests and iterations, EQ has put together its latest business matrix, EQ Method: eCommerce, a high-level sales funnel strategy to help you generate sales.

Why do you need it? All of the marketing tactics we mentioned earlier are great to have, but you won’t feel their impacts if you haven’t outlined your business’ sales funnel — how you want your customers to experience your brand.

Having a high-level sales funnel overview lets you know whether or not certain strategies will be good for your business. Use EQ Method: eCommerce as your guide. 

It’s made up of five stages: Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Retention and Advocacy. Each one has a specific purpose that when brought together, leads customers to purchasing your products, keeps them coming back for more and encourages them to mention your business to their friends.

Want to craft a winning sales funnel? We’d love to chat. Book a free 15-minute consultation with us.

💫 Takeaways 💫

🛒 Reduce abandoned carts to drive up sales.

💬Chat live with web visitors to build trust and meet the needs of customers.

🔥Go beyond just blogging and focus on community-building.

✨ Optimize your website to allow customers to enjoy a seamless shopping experience.

🤳 Integrate Instagram as it’s one of the biggest social channels available. 

🌎 Build a high-level sales funnel roadmap and be conscious of your strategies.

In case you missed it, here’s how having good branding can help you generate more revenue.

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